alon zisman sculpture

If you are interested in purchasing any work, write to me by email or come to my home gallery in the center of Tbilisi (Georgia) at Mtatsminda str. by calling in advance at +995 598704389 or via WhatsApp. Welcome!

  • Попытка осмыслить феномен добровольного отказа людей от свободы и их выбора в пользу диктатуры. Когда люди не чувствуют уверенности в завтрашнем дне, когда они находятся как бы в свободном падении, им хочется уцепиться за любую опору, пусть даже за колючую проволоку.

Never give up your freedom. 2024. Street-art in Tbilisi. Metal wire.

The sculpture refers to Lot’s biblical wife symbolizing guilt
The Guilt. 2017. 15x25x15 cm. Plaster, metallic tinting
The original design of the collapsible sculpture, which by flipping changes the meaning. In one case, the character bears the weight of the world, in another with ease juggles the globe
The Sand Man. At Morning. 2020. 15х40х15 cm. Plaster, tinting

The Meeting. 2024. Iron wire. 50x30x7 cm

The Deer. 2024. Wood, iron, tinting. 20×40 cm
Под небом голубым
Under the blue sky. 2023. Wood, acryl. 30х40 cm
Ангел небритый
The Angel Unshaven. 15x10x10. Clay, tinting.
Bewildered Job, who does not understand why he needs all this
Bewildered. 2024. 12x22x10. Metal wire, pebble.
The Nestling. 2024
The Nestling. 2024. 15x25x10. Metal wire, pebble.
Guardian Angel full of eyes:)
Angel the Watcher. 2024. 12x20x12. Clay, metal wire, tinting
After. 2024
After. 2024. 35x20x20 cm. Iron wire, wood.
Ангел хранитель
Angel, who Stores. 2024. 20×30 cm. Clay, iron wire.
Вайме! Стрит-арт в Тбилиси
Waime! Street-art in Tbilisi. 20×20 cm. Iron wire
Любовь после войны
After. 2024. 35x20x20 cm. Iron wire, wood.